art director and hairtist of VAGUE
Born in Pyrgos Ilias, 1981
She learned to cook fried eggs and stake in grill, making Greek coffee, cleaning the house, and bathing her little brother, since the first years of her life. She played with Barbies, Cindies and Bibibos - one of her favourite scene was "orgy in the chimney". For a period of time she was displaying all her dolls at the bottom of the bed. One night she accommodated all her dolls and teddies in her bed but there was not enough space for her, thus she slept on the floor - the so called "Greek Hospitality".
However she always preferred playing in the open air (as it was used long long long time ago. She loved being in company of boys and playing basketball, "eftapetro", "mila", "abariza". She had also girlfriends with whom she was playing "sxoinaki". Age ten she loved playing cards. Her granny decided to make the cards disappear because she was cheating all the time the other kids. She could have been a poker and black lack expert and now working in a casino. However she kept loving immensely her granny Crysavgi - who was making the best bread in the whole over the world.
Dance was her favorite language. Every day until to leave Pyrgos, some hours were spent on dancing, bouncing, rolling and breaking some porcelain vases while turning. During her breaks she was taking the microphone and she was signing loud Greek love songs by Marinella, Dakis, Bigalisand so on. Her brother was telling her off every five minutes - his excuse: "You will break all the windows of the house". One day she stopped singing. After almost 30 years, she tries to get over her trauma and start singing again. Her aspiration: to create a song talent competition for the worst singers.
The last year of the school, she appeared in the class with new boy haircut. Her long brown pony tail had disappeared, lying on the hairdresser's floor. Her father was shocked - it wouldn't have been the last time.
She studied Italian Language and Literature in Thessaloniki's University while meantime she was studying afro-modern jazz with Dino Fanara and joined the company for a couple of years. During those years of formation, between Italian culture and Jazz, she met important and significant for her life people.
Before turning 25 and after a big fight with her Father, she left Greece and she migrated to Italy to study for three years in the National Dance Academy of Rome. From the moment she took the boat to go in Italy, her life got Crazy: She lived in Berlin where she experimented more, improvised a lot, collaborated with great artists from different places and fields, she danced in Cell 63 artgallery, she started making video as a playful way to deal with painful emotionally situations/events, she understood what she doesn't want to do, and so on.
In 2013 she moved in Lincoln to attend the MFA in Choreographing Live Art where, especially thanks to mentor and friend, Pavlos Kountouriotis, she opened her mind, ears and eyes to a different alternative world, expanding her vision and way to express creatively herself. In Lincoln she met her partner in life and crime, digital artist Daz Disley and decided to stay there instead of going back to Berlin. Real Love always Win [she also get older and she wanted a bit of peace, space and calm. Now her vision is to contribute on the transformation of Lincoln to the top alternative, arty-farty, cool, progressive place of UK: "the little Berlin".
Then the Brexit arrived but who cares!
After 3 and 1/2 years in Rome, 3 and 1/2 years in Berlin and 3 and 1/2 years in Lincoln (UK), she gets lost and find her way forward, she learns:
embracing her failures;
seeking question rather answers;
challenging herself;
redefining values;
playing the unplayable;
disembodying societal bullshit;
un(becoming) who she is and who others think she is